TM343 Aquacinco Mini



The Aquacinco is a spray feature which is suitable for shallow pools and spray park applications with no standing water. There are no moving parts and simple interaction for the players is with the water flow alone. A piped in water source is required.

The design of the unit is such that the tipping cups create an interesting cascading presentation of water flow. Water is pumped into the top of the unit and as each cup fills it tips over and fills the next cup, continuing down creating a cascade of water to the ground. This unit is excellent to create a high level water effect for interactivity with parents and children alike.

Operation is a maximum pressure of 20gpm @ 20psi or 1.3L/s @ 17.5m.

Product Specs

ID: TM343

Age Group: 2+

Water Depth: 0-12in (0-305mm)

Spray: 40in (1016mm) Spray Diameter

Flow: 20GPM (1.3 L/S)

Pressure: 25PSI (17.5m)

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