T410-3S Aquadek
The Aquadek T410-3S is a slide support structure with one 4ft (1.2mm) deck platforms which provides a deck and two cantilever adequately supported on horizontal members to provide a load capacity of 100lb/sqft.
Empex signature curvilinear stairs shall provide access to a double open triple rail slide and two four foot wave slides.
A water supply manifold shall be supplied to adapt to a central 4” (102mm) water feed supplied by others. The manifold will provide two (2) supply feeds with individually valves for flow control. The manifold will provide water flow to four spray features; a spiral spray on the flagpole structure, and an aquashroom-multiple 180° nozzle laminar spray, an aquashower-multi nozzle spray head delivers large soft shower and aquafall-a large single stream of water.
Operation is at a maximum pressure of 220gpm @ 25psi or 13.9L/s @ 17.5m.

Product Specs
ID: T410-3S
Age Group: 2 +
Water Depth: 0-12in (0-300mm)
Flow: 120GPM (7.56L/s)
Pressure: 25psi (17.5m)
Product Weight: TBD
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