Aquatots Home » Aquatots<Back Aquatots™ SERIES OF PLAYFUL CHARACTERS ALL THEMES | ALL PRODUCTS Aquatots™ is a series of small interactive characters such as pirates, policemen, firemen, cowboys that can be coupled with Aquadeks® to cater to the little ones. – Themes Products – AT120 Aquatot Witch AT120 Aquatot Witch AT119 Aquatot Wizard AT119 Aquatot Wizard AT118 Aquatot Queen AT118 Aquatot Queen AT117 Aquatot King AT117 Aquatot King Previous12Request A Formal Quote!Call Toll Free: 1.866.833.8580 Select Theme CategoriesConstructionCandylandChristmasCircusFarmFire HallMedievalAqualabOuter SpacePiratesPlanes, Trains & CarsRace TrackMarineTropical OasisWesternZoo– General Themes – AquafarmAquabaseballAquabatsAquabildAquacastleAquacircusAquaclunesAquadeksAquadolceAquafireAquafliteAquagalaxyAquajetsAqualabAquamarAquamotivsAquaneticsAquanoelAquapiratesAquashootersAquaspeedAquatippersAquatonsAquaminiAquatotsAquatoysAquatropicaAquawestAquazooAll ThemesAll Themes @2023WTOYS2023-03-19T20:12:09+00:00